Come Monday…It’ll Be Alright.

A Monday spent with with Julio & Jose? Yes, please..

It’s officially National Margarita Day.  Today we pay tribute to the most loved tequila cocktail.  Frozen, on the rocks or straight up?  These days there are endless varieties & variations of this traditional concoction that it’s hard to keep up.  Have you ever been to a Mexican restaurant and couldn’t decide which kind to order?  I certainly can relate.  I get lost in the menu of Beeritas, sangritas, blue margaritas….I don’t know about you but I look forward to top-shelf and a salty rim.  Usually the best way is the simple way.  Classic.  Triple sec, lime juice, tequila & a lost shaker of salt.  Add chips & salsa for happy hour?   I’m margaready… On a Monday.

Since I am not at the closest Mexican Restaurant at happy hour…Which is a damn shame.. I’ll share some favorites. Just give me a blender & a bottle of Tequila and I’m you’re bartender.

The IBA (IBA Official list of Cocktails) standard is 7:4:3, that is, 50% tequila, 29% Cointreau, 21% fresh lime juice…Check out my favorite blended margarita recipes:

Cadillac:  Tequila +Grand Marnier +Lime Juice + Salted Rim

Rasberry Moscato:  Rasberries + Tequila + Agave + Pink Moscato + Lime

Watermelon:  Tequila + Watermelon + Contreau + Lime + Mint

Sangrita:  Frozen Limeade + Red wine + Triple Sec +  Lime + Oranges + Ice + Blender.  OMG don’t forget the Tequila.  Mix Red Wine with Half of frozen tequila & Oranges and Swiiirrrlll.

The day a man makes me happier than chips and queso with a frozen margarita is the day I’ll get married.  It’s National Margarita Day & I’m blogging about it instead of drinking.  What is wrong with this picture?  Pretty much everything.


Decorating Defined.

Houses have always been an obsession of mine. I’m continually fascinated by home decor.  In fact, good luck dragging me out of HomeGoods in anywhere less than an hour.  IF I’m not shopping in the store then I’m online hopping around sites… always looking for the newest seasonal items.  It’s intriguing to me.  I love seasons…  Living in Michigan isn’t so bad, we have 4 to work with and holidays too 🙂  Luckily, I picked a career in which I’m able to tour many different types of homes.  I get inspiration from all kinds of places.

Every thing from clutter to color scheme can contribute with composing space. Energy is everything.  I can walk into different homes and feel differently based on how well it’s kept and the way it’s presented. Creating an overall mood of a room is something to keep in mind before you spend an afternoon in HomeGoods.  The purpose of the room should also correlate with items you choose.  Begin with decluttering the room and choosing complementing colors.  Keep your overall vision of the space in mind to avoid a clash in scheme.   The rooms function and comfortability should also be kept in mind.

A home design consultant once told me that table lamps are like earrings. Yep… “like earrings.” They add the final touches to the room.  Since then, every time I place a lamp.. that comment comes to mind.  And to this day, I still grind my teeth if there isn’t symmetry.  But I’ve recently learned symmetry isn’t necessary…but…  blending the room is.  If home decorating can be compared to wearing coordinating jewelry that flows from piece to piece then it doesn’t have to make sense. It just has to present a constant flow & correlate with the style you’re trying to obtain.

  1. Wall art should be eye level.  Placing it too high or low can throw off the room balance.
  2. Rugs can make a world of difference in a room.  From bright textures to neutral tones, these can make or break a space.  Keep size in mind. Avoid overpowering the room or buying a rug to small for its area.
  3. Mirrors increase the perceived size of a room.  A large mirror can make a smaller space feel much larger than it really is.
  4. Plan ahead:  Taping out furniture before purchasing can give a better idea of how the flow of the room will be.
  5. Choose timeless pieces:  If you’re going to invest the $$, you may as well make it worth while.  Buy things that won’t go out of style.  Fads come and go.
  6. Get personal:  Encompass your own personal style with family portraits, heirlooms and antiques that mean something to you
  7. Matching = Boring:  Buying a matching furniture set in neutral tones that looks good in a showroom isn’t always going to look as good in your living room.  Remember each room needs to blend, not match.  Use your personal style to add interesting pieces to break up the room.  Textures, patterns and unique items add lots of interest.
  8. Thrift stores are the best stores:  Thrift shops & antique stores always have one of a kind pieces that are unique.   These vintage finds add character.
  9. Have fun:  The house is only a home if you absolutely love it and feel comfortable.

I’m obsessed with Pottery Barn. In my opinion it should be a style in its own right. However, it’s actually considered “Transitional” or what some call “Modern Country.” Annnnd I will continue to call it Pottery Barn.  There are several different decor themes you can consider: French Country, Shabby Chic, American Traditional, Victorian, Spanish, Arts & Craft, Rustic, Tuscan & Modern… The list goes onward but it would take writing a book to unravel each and every one.  Have fun and do what makes you happy.  Keep an open mind, don’t be afraid of change and try different ways until it works.


oh…National Drink Wine Day?

When I discovered this was a national drinking day the first thing I did was text my most trusted drinking buddy.  Her response?  “National wine day… Isn’t that everyday?”

I keep telling everyone I’m not an alcoholic.  I just like to enjoy a glass or two, maybe three.  Okay, Okay…sometimes the whole bottle.  I’ll be honest, there are days wine and cheese might be dinner.   But I consider wine a lifestyle. It helps my mind unwind after a day of well…crazy.  And you know what? I’m not alone here.  Many enjoy the sweet or dry taste of this corked goodness.  I might even consider it to be my favorite pastime. There is nothing more exciting I look forward to than exploring new wine.  Everyone has hobbies.  I’ll go for red, white, blush.. bubbly. I’m not picky.  If you have to ask if its too early to drink wine, then I don’t think we can be friends.  My life is summed up by strong coffee until some unraveling disaster… then wine.

Actually, based on research there are some positive reasons to drink wine and health benefits to boot.  Uh hmmm.  I’m serious.Unknown


  1. “Write drunk, edit sober.”  Ernest Hemingway said it best.  Wine can make you a fluid writer.  It helps get your creative juices flowing.
  2.  I found a study regarding the health benefits of resveratrol, a compound commonly found in red wine, has revealed your body can receive benefits of a gym session without actually completing this so called gym session.  Red wine also contains flavonoids, which may reduce bad cholesterol and increase the good cholesterol.  Studies have also suggested that it can reduce the risk of blood clots and maintain a  healthy blood pressure!  BUT…there is less evidence that the benefits of wine apply to drinking white or rosé.  Case-in-point, drink the red stuff.
  3. It will make you happy:  Lets be honest, has wine ever put you in a bad mood?  In my experience, this stuff is happy liquid that warms my soul.  It it can help you relax…mingle, start up great conversation.  It can make you socially fearless.
  4. Technicalllyyy its fruit:  I mean, it’s fermented grapes.  Eating enough fruits and veggies can keep you healthy and strong.  Now if we could get chocolate to be considered a vegetable and beer = grain on that food pyramid.
  5. Mimosas are acceptable in fancy establishments for breakfast.  Enough said.
  6. It’s a great pastime:  What is more worldly than tasting wines from all over the globe in a fancy vineyard with exquisite cheese boards?
  7. It takes the stress out of dealing with people you don’t want to deal with.  Chatty Kathy, sales people, your mother- in- law.
  8. And last but not least…you’re getting married, you’re not getting married, you’re getting divorced.

           Cheers to you and Cheers to me.

The Perfect Home?

There’s no such thing.

Let me re-state.  There is no such thing as the perfect home.

However, there is the most perfect home for you.

I advise this to my clients everyday and all day.  Usually, over and over again.  I cannot stress enough that when you’re looking for a home to have an open mind and flexibility.  Actually, flexibility is key.  I suggest making a list of needs versus wants.  Something to work with when you find the home that has everything you need and almost everything you want.  Below is an example:


Brick home /  Fireplace

Garage  /  Cathedral Ceilings

     3 Bedrooms  /  Finished Basement

Basement  /  Swimming Pool

You get my drift.  You may want a fireplace or cathedral ceilings but you will need to be willing to give up something (somewhere) for the benefit of your needs.  Unless you’re building your dream home from the ground up, existing homes won’t always have every bell and whistle.

We are living in what I like to call “The Age of Pinterest.”  Everyone wants the Pinterest-like home they envision online.  I find that most buyers seeking the perfect home are of the younger generation  (mainly my own age group)  They want everything on a dollar menu budget.bb3650cdab4b732e86a9c75aff6da04a

Set Realistic Goals & Have Patience.

Choosing a home that doesn’t have all of your “wants” doesn’t mean you’re settling..  It means that you’re making the best choice of options within your budget to fit your needs.  Don’t worry about keeping up with the Joneses.


Baby Boomers

Oh baby.

This one is near and dear.  When I think of the baby boomer generation, the first thought is my father.  The man trusts everyone.  Handshake agreements are my Italian father’s favorite form of a “deal”.

As a millennial myself, I relate to the non-trusting behaviorism of the suspicious generation.  I work hard to gain the trust of my peers and twice as hard with those baby boomers who think we millennials are just “kids.” Needless to say in the Real Estate world we come across generations that require different needs.  There is no question that the buying behavior is in transition due to the baby boomer vs. the millennial.  One is trusting and one is not.

The boomers are a far cry from the tech savvy millennial seeking instant gratification.  They do meetings in person.  “E-sign a purchase agreement? WHAT exactly do you mean by that?  I’ll come to your office.”


Boomers will wait for you to call and maybe stop in the office for coffee.  They require your good faith and trust.  They’re instilled with values and believe everyone is true to their word. Millennials, on the other hand, require constant communication via text or email…and they trust absolutely no one.

There is a lack of listings out there.  Imbalance.  We have buyers but not enough sellers. Where are the sellers who are ready to put their homes on the market?  As with supply & demand, it surges home prices up.  I can’t help but to think, is some of this due to the baby boomer generation?

Baby boomers are staying in their family homes and working longer than previous generations. Boomers are not downsizing & running away to Florida condos as many Michiganders have done upon retirement.   Some homeowners are still regaining lost equity from the recession. Many are baby boomers that were forced into foreclosure and had to rebuild.  They’re still rebuilding.

This is temporary, as nothing is forever.  Once these two generations make moves we will see waves in the market.  That is a for sure thing.



Make It Look Easy

I was lucky enough to have someone to show me the ropes.  This industry doesn’t tread lightly on new comers.  I always say …  “It’s either for you or it isn’t.”  Simple as that. It’s  a love affair with none other than the game of Real Estate.  I consider it a lifestyle, not a job.  There is no 9-5 here.  It will either suck the life out of you or give you life (sometimes both, I won’t lie.)   We don’t go running out of the office… shut off all of the lights and say “See ya tomorrow” at 5 o’clock.  This business is more like “It’s Always 5 o’clock Somewhere.”

We must make it look easy.  I’d like to think we make it look glamorous.  The simple fact that so many want to sell but once they truly experience a real day in the world of chaos is when you can tell if they’re really cut for it.  There are so many highs and lows in a typical day that you become numb to bad news, but graceful at giving it.  Good news means its time for a glass of wine.  Bad news means it’s time for a whole bottle.

A Day in the life…


Voicemails, phone calls, texts, emails. Search MLS. New listings. Price reductions.

More coffee. Coach new agents, show homes, attend closing, show more homes.  Struggle with catastrophic deal that requires CPR to revive but flatlines for an hour before its breathing again.

Wine. More calls, updates, texts & emails.  “What do you mean you bought a car? We are supposed to close next week.” (Insert more wine here).

Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing in this world I would rather do.  I enjoy my day more than the 9-5ers.  I look forward to the excitement of the unknown, the next deal…new people.  I love people.  That’s probably the best part.  I get to learn something new everyday from my encounters. Personalities that come from all over the charts. Happy families, newly weds, divorcees, lost loved ones, retirees running away to someplace warm & first time homeowners. There are problems to dissolve and solutions to find.  It’s the challenge of closing the tough deals and the eagerness to find the next.  There is always something different to look forward to.  Thats what keeps me devoted to what I do.  It’s never about the money. I enjoy the ride.

Real Estate must be easy they said…maybe I can even moonlight it.